The Rescue Cat
Flower Essence – Milo
I rescued Milo, a three year old male cat who had been living in a fourth floor flat.
I thought I could give him a lovely home, with lots of outside space, albeit with dogs, another cat and hens!
Milo was clearly traumatised at being taken from his secure place in the sky. He hid behind a wardrobe for many days. We was coming out to use the litter tray and to eat, but didn’t want any interaction.
Jane made up a remedy for him. Within hours of him having a couple of doses, he was greeting me at his feeding bowl. He then started to interact. Within a very short time he became much braver, wanting to explore. Not surprising with 3 big dogs in the house, he was quite spooked, but he gradually got braver and braver.
He is now spending short spells of time outside in the garden!
Sharon Stewart